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Saturday, 22 December 2012

QRS Kottayam

QRS delivers home appliances of all types and brands. The showrooms are at Baker Junction, and near Thirunakkara Maidanam, Kottayam.

As part of a big network in Kerala, QRS Kottayam is place to discover latest models of LCD TVs, Plasma TV, Smart TV, refrigerators, washing machines, iron box, mixer grinders, induction cooker, infra red cooker, microwave ovens, and almost any electrical and electronic item for the home.

Braches are at:

QRS Retail Limited
Near YWCA, Baker Junction
Phone : 0481-2304866, 2304867

QRS Retail Limited
BMM Building
Phone : 0481-2563155, 2301604

QRS Retail Limited
Near Thirunakara Maidan
M.C.Road, Kottayam
Phone : 0481-2565145, 2301145